I was really pleased to be part of a group of P4C trainers the other week to discuss safe ways to support schools in sustaining P4C practise during these difficult times. There are of course many challenges, for example sharing of resources, forward facing classrooms and of course the always busy curriculum, so a quick reminder that P4C has been proven to boost results and support student's well-being. It is nice to see that in the article we have offered solutions to many of the challenges and also seen some as opportunities! There are a lot of great ideas in this article that has very kindly been drawn together by Dialogue Works - who of course I am a trainer for! As always, I have managed to sneak in a bit about Outdoor P4C too!
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gina@littlechatters.co.uk 07922688521
Oracy, Thinking Skills, Outdoor and Global Learning
Education Advisor | Little Chatters | England
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